Mylar Bags Maker

Mylar Bag Size Chart: A Guide to Choose the Right One

Mylar Bag Size Chart A Guide to Choose the Right One

Mylar bags have found an enormous position in the packaging industry. There are several brands that rely on these bags all for the obvious reasons mainly durability and ease of use. When it comes to the use of mylar bags then one question that all the brands have to encounter is the selection of a perfect style that allows easy and protective packaging. 

For size perfection, you need to know what are the various sizes of the custom printed mylar bags are and how you can determine an ideal size for your products. Let’s discuss this in detail. 

Common Sizes Of Mylar Bags 

Mylar Bag Size Chart A Guide to Choose the Right One inner

There are plenty of sizes of custom shaped mylar bags, but with the help of customization, you can select a personalized size for your bags that will help you pack the product easily. Not only does this reduce the cost of packaging but it also casts a positive impression on the customers. You can choose the following option: 

1 Gram: 3×4 Inch Mylar Bag

When you need to store a small amount of items then this is an ideal option. A 3 x 4 is sufficient to hold a small amount of the products without spending an extra amount on a large size of packaging while giving the protection of mylar bags. You can pack herbs, small amounts of powdered items, seeds, etc. The size of the bag wil ensure that the product is not shifting around the packaging which may cause your items to get damaged. 

1/8 oz: 3.5 Grams: 3.5×5 Inch Mylar Bag

If you need to pack a product that is a width of an ounce then you can use a 3.5×5-inch Mylar bag. This bag gives a little more room to the product allowing them to breathe properly. Herbs, small amounts of spices, and foods can be packed in this size. The bag will prevent crumbling the product. Small amounts of products that need extra care in storage such as vitamins or other supplements are packed to prevent compression of the product. 

1/4 oz: 7 Grams: 4×6 Inch Mylar Bag

For a quarter of an ounce per 7 gram product 4 × 6-inch Mylar bag is the perfect option. This accommodates more products without the need for stuffing. Small portions of loose-leaf tea, herbs, etc can be packed in this size of the mylar. This size of the bag allows air circulation and maintains freshness. 

1/2 oz: 14 Grams: 5×8 Inch Mylar Bag

The products that need a little more space can be packed in a 5×8-inch Mylar bag. Dried foods are packaged in them to keep them fresh and large portions of herbs are packed in them. These bags ensure that the products are not squished and are well sealed. 

oz: 28 Grams: 6×9 Inch Mylar Bag

 6 × 9-inch Mylar bag is a versatile size and accommodates a variety of products. Again coffee beans. Herbs and dried fruits are packed in them. Your product will remain fresh in these bags without any compromise on the space. The products will stay intact without any excessive movement. If you want to protect the small items without them overstuffing then use this size. 

1/4 Pound: 113 Grams Or 8×10 Inch Mylar Bag

When you are dealing with a quarter of a pound product which is approximately 113 grams then mylar bags with the size of 8×10-inch are an excellent option. Products that need more space for storage and protection from compression. These bags also give more protection than the small-size ones because in them thicker material is used and are a perfect option for long storage. 

1/2 Pound: 227 Grams Or 10×12 Inch Mylar Bag

These bags are perfect packaging for half a pound of products. 10×12-inch Mylar bags are a perfect option for bulkier bags such as larger portions of food. This size allows more space for the product so that it can breathe and remain fresh. The extra specs in 227-gram bags ensure that the product remains organized and properly protected from the potential damage that may occur due to improper storage space.

1 Pound: 454 Grams Or 13×15 Inch Mylar Bag

13 ×15-inch Mylar bag is a suitable choice for one-pound (454 grams) items. This is an ideal size for bulk storage and is frequently used for shipping purposes. Dry fruits, herbs, and other items in larger quantities should be packed in them because of the sufficient space and lower chances of the product being crushed. 

How To Use the Size Chart

If you want to effectively pack your products in mylar bags then you have to evaluate several factors of your product. The determination of the size chart is based on the quantity and the size of the packed item. By selecting a perfect size you will be able to effectively preserve your products. You can get an optimal packaging bag via the following factors: 

Identify Your Item

The first step is the identification of the items you are going to pack. The nature of your products will determine the space requirement that will ultimately lead to the selection of the size. 

Shape And Size 

Consider the size and the shape of the products, such as herbs and grains vary in size as well as in shape but their weight may be consistent. So if you are going to irregular shape items then it is better for you to select the bags with enough space. 


Fragility is another factor that heavily influences the packaging size. Some items are more sensitive to pressure and air such as dried flowers, some herbs, etc. If you do not want them to be squished and become powdery while spilling out of the bags then consider the fragility while selecting the size. 

Shelf life

If you want to preserve your products for long periods then you need to knwo about the actual shelf life of your product. Say you are going to pack dry food products then it is better to select the bags that can sufficiently protect products from moisture, light, and air. You can use smell proof mylar bags if your product’s shelf life depends upon its aroma. In this case, avoid packing your products in small mylars as they are thin and intended for short-term use. 

Evaluate The Space Requirements Of Your Items

When you have understood the product requirement you are going to pack the next thing that you have to keep in mind is the evaluation of space. This includes the understanding that how much space your product requires. Do not overcrowd your product as it may lead to crushing. You must also avoid under-filing the bag as it wil cause extra cost and wasted space. To evaluate the space requirements you have to:   

Determine The Volume Of Your Product

The consideration of the size and the weight of the packaging is vital. Say you need to pack a small batch of products that does not require much space then it is better to choose a bag size that is not too big. On the other hand products, such as grains may need more space as compared to powdered products for the same weight of both. 

Consider Expansion

Certain products such as coffee beans, tea leaves, etc can expand or contract over time. It is important to leave enough room in the packaging so that if any such changes occur in the packed items your product quality can be retained. You can simply avoid filling in the bag from the top for sealing. It is better to leave 1 to 3 inches of the space in the large mylar bags which will help you in closing the bags without putting pressure or stressing the contents inside the bag. 

Volume Calculation

Calculating the volume of the is vital but for this, you need to learn how to measure a mylar bag. The volume can be calculated by multiplying the bags’ length, width, and height. If your bag has gussets then you have to measure the depth of the bag as well. This will help you understand how much space is available inside the bag so that you can pack the products easily. Let’s see how to measure custom mylar bags: 

  • Length: Length is the measurement from the top to the bottom along the longest side of the pouch. 
  • Width: It is measured from one side to the other across the shorter side of the mylar pouch. 
  • Depth: If you are using bags with gusset then you have to measure the depth as well. Lay the bag flat and expand it to the full side. Depth is the measure of how far the bag opens up to hold the items. 

Let’s take an example. Say you are using a mylar bag with a 6 x 9 inches size and it has a gusset and you need to add an extra 2 inches to hold on the product. In this case, you will have to multiply the length (6 inches), width (9 inches), and depth (2 inches) to calculate the total volume of the bag, which will be 108 cubic inches. By understanding the adequate volume of the bag you can prevent underfilling or overfilling of the bag. 

Estimate The Quantity

After understanding the product and the volume of the bag the next step that you have to perform is identifying the quantity you are going to pack. Make sure that the quantity of the product corresponds to the size of the bag. To estimate how many items you can pack in your custom printed mylar bags you can: 

Weigh Your Items

Make sure you have the correct quantity of your product that you are going to pack in your bag. For instance, if you have to pack an ounce of herbs then you can use a 6×9-inch Mylar bag. On the other hand, if you are packing powdered items then you can use a smaller bag. 

Consider The Nature Of The Product

Some products weigh more even though they are small in size such as seeds and spices. In this case, you need to select a bag with adequate volume without being excessively large. 

Match The Dimensions

After evaluating the items, identifying the space required to pack those items, and estimating the quantity you have to pack you can select the appropriate dimensions of the bags. This is an essential step to get an ideal fitting of the product packaging while maintaining protection and preserving freshness. 


For the ideal protection and professional packaging of products, you need to select a mylar bag that is neither too large nor too small. This can be done only when you understand the average sizes of the mylar bags while considering the different factors of your products. Apart from this, with the correct knowledge of measuring the dimensions of the bags you can give impeccable packaging to the packed items and ensure maximum safety with minimum waste. If you need such a mylar bag that can fully preserve your product’s quality without being too expensive you can contact Mylar Bags Maker


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